
Most times Nutrition is the hardest part of anyone’s health and fitness journey. At NRG plus you can learn the basic rules of good food and nutrition. No fancy diets or complicated equations, just real food and guidelines. When we make things too complicated we tend to lose our way and eventually give up. That’s not what we want to happen at NRG plus Personal Training.


We can help you with food logging, understanding balanced meals, understanding your food groups and portion sizes.

Learn how to dish up a well-balanced meal with the correct portion size for you. Learn how to keep the hidden calories away. Get an understanding on Pre and Post training meals and how you can help your body repair and recover after intense and heavy training sessions.

Learn to enjoy a wide range of foods with lots of variety. NRG plus wants food to be a fun easy part of your health and fitness journey.

Coming soon to the studio will be a complete Nutrition Program. This will be like no other nutrition consult. We will cover all bases of why you aren’t losing your weight. From emotional eating, to lack of self-esteem, we will work together to get you back on track with a healthy attitude towards your food and eating styles.

Contact the studio for more details on how we can assist you with your nutritional needs.

Begin. Believe. Become.